• In San Francisco, two men kill a Chinese woman after robbing her store. One of the thieves has the same characteristics of the Italian immigrant Eddie Pedak and he becomes the prime suspect of Inspector Mike Vido. Eddie is an ex-thief that was found not guilty for shooting Vito in a bank heist, but the inspector blames him. Presently Eddie is married with a child with Kristine Pedak, works as a truck driver and has put a down payment on a fishing vessel with his savings. Out of the blue, Eddie's brother and gangster Walter Pedak and his henchmen Arthur Sargatanas and Cleveland 'Cleve' Shoenstein visit Eddie to invite him to participate in a one-million dollar heist. Eddie loses his job and his personal life is deeply affected by Vito since he can not find another job. He decides to meet his brother and accepts to participate in the hold up. Meanwhile Vito discovers that Eddie was actually framed in the Chinese murder. He visits Eddie to disclose his findings to him but Eddie has alread
  • 二战期间,美国人沃尔特(加里·格兰特)遇到了英国海军上校弗兰克(特瑞沃·霍华德),被这位老朋友连骗带逼,最后困在了南海一座小岛上。代号“母鹅”的沃尔特必须每天观察报道日军飞机行动,才能换来一瓶威士忌解渴。就在他希望早日能离开之际,“从天而降”的性格倔强的法国女人凯瑟琳(莱斯利·卡伦)和七名各国外交官家的小女娃成了他甩不掉的麻烦。
  • 影片描写了地位低下的黑人青年霍默.史密斯,热心帮助一些逃难的东德修女,并答应为她们修建一座小礼拜堂……从而展示了他的人性美。本片触及全美最敏感的神经——黑人问题,一开始就显得不同反响。还有波蒂埃细腻的表演更引人注目,赢得36届奥斯卡最佳男主角奖,跻身于好莱坞超级影星的行列。
  • 查利

    查利(克里夫·罗伯逊 Cliff Robertson 饰)虽然已经是一名30岁的成年男子了,但是因为患有智力障碍,他的言行举止都宛若一个6岁的孩童。白天,查利在面包房靠着做清洁工来赚取微薄的薪水养活自己,这份工作除了非常辛苦以外,查理还必须忍受同伴们的嘲笑和欺侮。晚上,查利回去夜校上课,他的老师爱丽丝(克莱尔·布鲁姆 Claire Bloom 饰)对查利非常的好。为了帮查利治病,爱丽丝找到了专门进行大脑实验的神经学家理查德(Leon Janney 饰)和安娜(莉莉娅·斯卡拉 Lilia Skala 饰),查利作为实验对象接受了两人的治疗,谁知道治疗效果拔群,查利不仅完全病愈,而且获得了超高的智商。