• “火焰”和"柚子"是丹麦最重要的通缉犯,德军盖世太保头目霍夫曼将他们定为头号公敌。在执行某次刺杀德军军官的行动时,吉尔伯特掺和进了“火焰”和“柚子”的任务中。扑朔迷离、敌我不明的形势下,“火焰“和“柚子“决定自己行动,从而卷入了巨大的危险之中...
  • Notat is a feature film based on the real events of the first act of terror in Denmark. Copenhagen, Feburary 14, 2015. On an icy cold winter's day, a terrorist attack is carried out, targeting first an event on freedom of speech at the cultural centre “Krudtt?nden” and then the synagogue of Copenhagen during a bat mitzvah.